Based on real-life stories...
We apologize in advance for any nightmares that might result...
Based loosely on actual events, and the author/playwright Tim Mulligan's own real-life experiences in his hometown of Richland, Washington, the Witchland Trilogy is a series of scary (and funny!) plays, each also adapted into beautiful graphic novels, centered on one truly modern family’s experience in moving to the town of Richland, which of course involves working at the infamous Hanford Nuclear site. While waiting for their home to be finished, they are temporarily housed in a home directly across the street from a … witch?
As strange, disturbing and haunting events seem to start piling on this family, the question is posed – why are these things happening? Is it due to a recent accident at the Hanford nuclear site, or is it due to interactions with the strange “witchy” woman who lives across the street? And the mysteries pile on from there...